This chunk of information I have collected from one of the most interactive forum ie.
IxDA (Interaction Design Association).Over there, Sebi Tauciuc had started very good post about "what helped most in your career" where all the genius people have shared their experience and listed out thing(s) that they think have contributed to most of their success, which have brought value to their work, which have lead to where they are now and which have improved their design sense and skills.
- Failure
- Harsh Criticism
- Rejection
- Unemployment
- Experience
- Belief in oneself
- Unbounded Curiosity
- Mentors
- Confidence
- Passion
- Argue
- Explore
- Knowledge Transfer
- Blogs
- Presentation
- Articles
- Practice
- Reading
- Professional Association
- HFI Certification
- self actualization
- to take criticism gracefully
Please feel free to share more of your thing(s) which motivated you in your career.