Sunday, February 04, 2007

barCamp mumbai

This is to inform everyone that BarCampMumbai UniversityLevel is coming up.

Date: 11.02.07Venue: K. J. Somaiya Engineering College, Vidyavihar (E), Mumbai - 77

For more details, please visit the wiki at

Looking for Sponsors:
BarCampMU is a university level event, and while it might not have the level of participants that a regular BarCamp has, it is a step in the right direction, and I am sure it will encourage students to think out of the box, think different and beyond the university syllabus. However, even a small event needs sponsors, and any sponsorship of any kind will be greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event in any way, please leave me a line at or call me or message me at 9821889957.

Spread the word:
Let everyone know about BarCampMU, blog about it, post it on user groups, mailing lists, etc. Just spread the word. Please.

Everyone is welcome:
Professionals are just as welcome as students. In fact, if you have the time, please make it a point to come and speak on some topic. Industry - Student networking in one if the key advantages of BarCampMU.