Saturday, June 07, 2008

Why do Intelligent Managers fails, too?

Many a times we wonder why a person who is par intelligent in his/her studies still he/she fails while performing certain task. There are various definitions on intelligence. It is not necessary that if you are intelligent you will always get success in whatever you do. Many managers do face the failure in their career path even though they are brilliant. Here, I would like to share few things about it as why do such managers fails.

Motiation plays very important role in performing any single task. I know few people who have failed in their career though they have aclaimed several awards in their education. There are few people who have left their studies and got into their family business and today, they are doing great. So, unless any manager has motivation factor while working on any project, he/she will never be able to complete it.

Several things at a time
In many companies managers are loaded with several projects to handle at a time. Few managers could not say “No” to their higher authorities; they never say “My hands are full now.” Initially, they do get honors from the management but at the end they finish with faiture. Such a work load always tends to loose focus on important things.

Lack of Initiative
Many managers just complete their work given to them and do not show any sign of eagerness because if they do it they have to give commitment to it and they are agraid of these extra commitments.

Lack of interest in Implimenting Ideas
It is easier said than done. All managers do not have a capacity to convert their ideas into reality. Proritisation is to arrange ideas depending upon their importance and quick implementations. In any meeting after a concrete discussion if manager do not set the priority over the work, that meeting is of no use.

Many managers just complete their work at then end and that leads to various mistakes in their work. Many people file their tax returns at last moment. Many students open their book just few months before their board exam. This process of completing work at last moment and till that time to avoid work is called “Procrastination”.

Never to complete work
Many managers never complete their work by having various excuses. They start particular work with full of energy but tend to loose interest in it as the work progresses. Many times it happenes that few managers gets in too much minor details of the work which is not required and this leads to uncompletion of work. In that scenario management gives it to another manager.

Blaming Others (Blame Game)
Many managers believe that they never make mistakes and even if they do in their work, they make sure that the responsibility of making such mistake is transferred on others’ shoulder. Many managers give an excuses of sickness of their own or of their family if they could not complete their work. Basically, they never try to accept their mistake.

Lack of Perseverance
Perseverance means to stick to given work with full energy and concentration for longer duration. Many managers do give their full attention and full energy in initial stage of work but they loose interest if any objection arises.

Overconfidence or Lack of Confidence
Confidence is very important in today’s competitive world. If manager start excessive bloviation about his work, people around him looses respect and think that he don’t have greatness in his character as much he thinks. It becomes very important to balance between overconfidence and less confidence.

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